
Best Eye Hospital in Lucknow | Trinetra Eye Hospital Services

Specialist Services

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow eye care image


Eye exams are an important part of staying healthy. Whether you’re experiencing changes in your vision or have a concern about the condition of your eyes. We will complete a thorough eye exam and let you know all about the health of your eyes. The Indian Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that you get a baseline eye examination at the age of 40. A baseline screen can help identify signs of eye disease at an early stage when many treatments can have the greatest impact on preserving vision. However, some people shouldn’t wait until they are 40 to have a comprehensive eye exam. If you have an eye disease or if you have a risk factor for developing one, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of eye disease, you should see an ophthalmologist even if you are younger than 40. Upon examining your eyes, your ophthalmologist can tell you how often you should undergo an eye exam.


Dry eye is a condition in which a person doesn't have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. Dry eye is a common and often chronic problem, particularly in older adults. With each blink of the eyelids, tears spread across the front surface of the eye, known as the cornea. Tears provide lubrication, reduce the risk of eye infection, wash away foreign matter in the eye and keep the surface of the eyes smooth and clear. Excess tears in the eyes flow into small drainage ducts in the inner corners of the eyelids, which drain into the back of the nose. Dry eyes can occur when tear production and drainage is not in balance. Dry eyes can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination. We will take a detailed history, including your symptoms, general health problems, medications and environmental factors as they may be contributing to your dry eye problem. We will perform an external examination of your eyes, including evaluating your lid structure, blink dynamics and corneal surface.

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow Dry Eye Care image

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow Diabetic screening image


The best way to handle eye problems related to diabetes is through regular monitoring, early detection and prompt treatment. Early detection and treatment typically begins with the retinal exam. Drops are placed in your eyes to dilate (widen) your pupils to allow your doctor to better view the inside of your eyes. In addition to directly visualizing your retina, your doctor may take photographs of your retina or perform other tests such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) to evaluate retinal thickness to determine if fluid has leaked into retinal tissue. The Indian Diabetes Association recommends that people with type 1 diabetes have their first eye exam within the first five years after diagnosis. If you have type 2 diabetes, the recommendation is to have your first eye exam shortly after you receive a diagnosis. If you wear glasses or contacts, you probably need an annual eye exam to keep your prescription up to date. During that exam, your doctor will conduct a few tests to see if your vision has changed as a result of diabetes.


Macular degeneration causes loss in the centre of the field of vision. In dry macular degeneration, the centre of the retina deteriorates. With wet macular degeneration, leaky blood vessels grow under the retina. In order to diagnose macular degeneration a complete examination will be performed. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) picture can be taken to see how thick the retina is and to identify accumulated fluid.


If you have an eye care emergency or essential need, consider calling our office to see if we can help. Situations like getting hit in the eye, chemical burn, sudden onset of blurry or loss of vision, eye pain, red eye, eye scratches and flashes of light or floaters may require urgent attention. We have the experience and expertise to manage your eye care emergency effectively

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow Macular Degeneration image

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow contact lens fitting


The first step in finding the best contacts for you is to schedule for a comprehensive eye exam and contact lens fitting. This is to make sure your eyes are healthy enough to wear contact lenses and counsel you about what to expect when wearing contacts. Most insurance plans cover for a routine eye exam to evaluate the health of your eyes. Contact lens evaluation and fitting is a separate procedure that is often not covered by insurances. During the contact lens fitting process, detailed measurements of your eyes are taken and trial lenses are used to determine the best possible fit and if you can comfortably wear contacts. A contact lens fitting may take more than a single visit. You may need to return for follow-up visits to make sure the lenses continue to fit properly and remain comfortable after prolonged periods of wear. In some cases, changes of lens size or design are needed before the fitting process is complete. Your prescription for contact lens is written only after the contact lens fitting process is completed and is valid for 12 months.


Pediatric eye care needs synergy at all levels of eye care. Primary, secondary and tertiary levels need to rise to the challenge if avoidable blindness in children is to be eliminated. Developing a pediatric eye care team and augmenting their skills is essential. It has generally been stated that there are few trained or pediatric oriented ophthalmic personnel in the country. The present study was undertaken to document the status of pediatric eye care in India, so as to enable policy planners and program managers to address the problem of childhood blindness more effectively. In the comprehensive child’s eye exam, you can expect our doctor to make your child feel as comfortable as possible. We will talk to you about any concerns you may have in regard to your child’s eye health. We will assess your child’s overall eye health and determine if glasses are needed. We will use an eye chart to assess your child’s ability to see far away and close up to determine if your child is nearsighted or farsighted. Our optometrists are experts at working with children and our team will make sure that you and your child feel at ease.

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow pediatric eye care

Trinetra Eye Hospital Lucknow cataract surgery image


Certain medications may increase the risk of certain eye problems and your doctor may want to monitor you. Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil) is one of the most common medications that is monitored for ocular toxicity. Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil) is a medicine that is used primarily for preventing or treating malaria. However, it can also help treat inflammatory conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome. Using this medication for a long time can cause damage to the retina, which may lead to vision loss. However, it may not be identified until there is considerable loss of vision. Therefore, it is necessary that you visit an ophthalmologist regularly for evaluation. A plaquenil screening may include a visual field test, OCT imaging, multifocal ERG and photos of your eye. If there are any signs of damage to your retina, your ophthalmologist may ask you to consult with your physician to see if you should continue taking the drug.